Nonsurgical Options For Women With Bladder Control Issues: What You Should Know

As a woman, bladder control issues tend to be a lot more commonplace than they are for men. However, this does not mean that you have to put up with urinary incontinence for the rest of your life without doing something about it. While many of the treatment options for urinary incontinence involve surgery, not all of them do. There are numerous methods that you can use to improve your bladder control and reduce incidents of leakage and incontinence that do not involve surgery at all. Get to know more about some of the options for nonsurgical bladder control for women so that you can give them a try as soon as possible.

Physical Therapy Exercises

One of the options that you can try to control your bladder without surgery is through physical muscle-strengthening exercises. These exercises are designed to help the muscles that keep the urine inside of the body until intentional release. They are also referred to as Kegel exercises.

Doing these strengthening exercises on a daily basis will reduce the frequency of involuntary urinary discharge that can occur when a woman coughs, sneezes, or even laughs. These exercises can be explained by a doctor or physical therapist to help you improve the strength and control that you have over your pelvic floor muscles.

Tampon-Like Medical Device

There are also medical devices that you can use to treat urinary incontinence in women without surgery. These devices tend to resemble a basic tampon. They are inserted into the vagina and are essentially the same size as a tampon.

The difference is that these devices provide electrical stimulation to the vaginal muscles, causing them to contract. You can use these devices at home or receive treatments in your doctor's office.

Other Medical Devices

A pessary is another common device that women use to deal with bladder control issues. This is a device that a doctor will fit inside of the vaginal canal. It is essentially a ring that helps to force the urethra into a different position which can, in turn, prevent leakage.

Some women also prefer to use devices such as continence tampons or briefs to help deal with bladder control issues. These are disposable options that are less expensive than other urinary incontinence devices and can be less risky if you are prone to urinary tract infections or the like.

Now that you know a few of the options available to help you deal with your bladder control issues, you can be sure that you give them a try as soon as possible.  Talk to a professional, like Vesy Lab, for more help.
