What You Should Know About PCOS And Menopause

When you were diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), it was likely during your reproductive years and the primary concerns were controlling your irregular menstrual cycles and the effects that your condition may have on your ability to bear children. PCOS can actually have a lasting impact on your health for years and decades to come. This includes menopause and postmenopausal living. If you have recently gone through menopause or you are currently going through the process, get to know how PCOS can affect your health as well as what you can do to deal with the issues that could arise. 

Your PCOS Symptoms Will Continue After Menopause

Many women are under the false impression that when they go through menopause, their PCOS symptoms, including hormonal imbalances, excess facial and body hair, as well as pain and discomfort will go away. However, this is not the case. While you will no longer have to deal with irregular menstruation and those types of issues, polycystic ovaries do not cease to be an issue after you are no longer menstruating. 

You will still be at risk of having cysts that burst and may even experience worse hormonal deficiencies and imbalances than postmenopausal women without PCOS. If one of the symptoms of your PCOS is increased testosterone in your body, your testosterone levels in comparison to your estrogen and progesterone levels could become even more out of proper balance. 

Maintain a regular schedule of blood tests with your physician to check your hormone levels. It may also be necessary to receive postmenopausal injection treatments to increase your estrogen levels. These injections can help both with your postmenopausal hormone levels and your PCOS-related symptoms. 

You Will Be at Increased Risk of Other Health Conditions

Another issue to keep in mind when you go through menopause with PCOS is the fact that you will have a higher risk of certain health conditions than other women. Ladies with PCOS have a greater chance of developing various cardiovascular conditions. This can include blood clots, blocked and clogged arteries, and other conditions that affect circulation and the heart. 

If you have not already developed diabetes as a result of your PCOS, it is also likely that you will struggle to prevent yourself from becoming pre-diabetic or diabetic. Do not skip out on regular exams and physicals with your primary care physician after going through menopause. Finding a cardiologist and endocrinologist to work with directly regarding these health risks will also be pivotal in maintaining your health and well-being post-menopause. 

Now that you know a bit more about managing your PCOS and going through menopause, you can be sure you are doing everything you can and should to protect and maintain your health. 

Contact a business like Radius for more information.
