Three Tips To Help You Prepare For Your COVID-19 Test

COVID-19 is a new concern for many people, and naturally, people have a long list of questions on important details like how you contract the virus and what the testing process is like. Particularly when it comes to the testing process, this uncertainty brings about a sense of nervousness and even fear. However, the more informed you are on the process, the better your experience will likely be. Learn about some of the important information that can help you prepare for the testing process. 

It Looks More Frightening Than It Is

Whether you walk into a facility for your test or you visit a drive-up location, it is normal to feel intimidated. Typically, you will be greeted by a team of healthcare professionals who are in head-to-toe personal protective equipment and, likely, doing everything in their power to limit contact with you. 

It is easy to feel like the professionals are avoiding you because you are a plague, but they are protecting you. Many of the people who have a COVID-19 test performed have a negative result. If the medical team does not wear protective gear or follow social distancing guidelines, they could put those people who do not have the virus at risk of catching it. Everything is done to ensure the safety of all parties. 

There are Multiple Testing Options

You may know a handful of people who all had a test performed; however, the experience they had is not necessarily what you should expect. There are a couple of options available for collecting a COVID-19 test sample for an active case. 

The two options include an anterior nasal swab test and a deep nasal swab. Different facilities use different methods, so if you want to be 100 percent prepared, you may want to contact the facility beforehand to find out what method they use.

Discomfort Is a Possibility

It is important to be honest about the process. As such, you should keep in mind that you may experience some discomfort. However, the positive is that the discomfort is short-lived. With the deep nasal swab, the medical professional will insert what looks like a long Q-tip deep into your nostril.

You have to remain very still during the process even though it might be uncomfortable. If you plan to take a younger child to have the test performed, it is a good idea to prepare them for what to expect. 

If you have questions about what to expect with your COVID-19 testing, it is always best to reach out to the center that is conducting your test to ensure your specific concerns are addressed. 
