Common Symptoms That Indicate Gallbladder Problems
The gallbladder is a small organ in the upper abdomen that stores bile made by the liver. A gallbladder can develop issues, and when this happens it is important to see a local gastroenterologist. If you are experiencing gallbladder problems, your gastroenterologist may recommend dietary changes or taking medication. The human body can function without a gallbladder, so in some cases, a gastroenterologist may say that your best option is to have your gallbladder surgically removed. Some common symptoms that indicate gallbladder problems include:
1. Abdominal Pain
When there is something wrong with your gallbladder, you may experience some uncomfortable symptoms. One of the most common signs of a gallbladder problem is experiencing pain in your upper abdomen. The pain can be either dull or sharp, and will typically last for several hours. Most people experience abdominal pain at some point, but issues like stomach cramps usually resolve on their own. If there is something wrong with your gallbladder, you will most likely have pain in the same area regularly. Don't brush off ongoing pain in your upper abdomen-- your best bet is to schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
2. Discomfort After Eating Fatty or Greasy Foods
Fatty and greasy foods are not healthy, but most people like to indulge from time to time. When a person is in good health, consuming fatty or greasy foods typically doesn't cause any problems. But when there is something wrong with your gallbladder, having a large meal that contains a lot of grease or fat can lead to painful gallbladder attacks. Bile is needed to help break down fatty and greasy foods, so the body produces more when these foods are eaten. Since the gallbladder stores bile, a sudden increase in bile along with any blockages in the gallbladder can cause a gallbladder attack.
3. Nausea and Vomiting
Several different bacteria and viruses can cause a person to experience nausea and vomiting. However, these bugs usually only last a few days. When your gallbladder is not functioning properly and needs medical attention, you may begin experiencing nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting caused by gallbladder issues will not resolve on their own without medical intervention. Your gastroenterologist will be able to do a full exam to determine what kind of gallbladder issue you are suffering from and will then recommend a course of treatment that will work best.